You should add this directory to your path to have direct access to this command. The adb tools are located in the /platform-tools directory. For non-rooted devices, adb still accesses them, but you only have common user permissions. An Android virtual device can be freely accessed, a normal Android phone needs to get rooted for full access. You can access your Android device via the adb command on the command line.
Using the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) - Manual To turn on ADB on the phone you need to go to phone settings -> developer menu and turn on USB debugging option. In this way, the programmer will not have to enter commands using the command line.
The easiest way to use Android Debug Bridge is to install the ADT plugin in the Eclipse IDE (Integrated Development Environment). Adb can also run multiple instances of the adb client, all of which can be used to control all existing emulator instances. When Android Debug Bridge is active, the user can issue adb commands to interact with one or more instances of the emulator. Ultimately, the ADB server component, which also works on the development machine, but only in the background, deals with managing the communication between the ADB client and the ADB daemon. On the other hand, the ADB daemon acts as a background process in the instance of the emulator or in the device itself. There are also other tools, such as the ADT (Android Development Tools) plugin and DDMS (Dalvik Debug Monitor Service), which can create adb clients. It can be called from the command line (shell a.k.a) using the adb command. The Android Debug Bridge client component works on a development machine. In the programming language, said the computer is called a programming machine. In addition to the Android SDK, part of which is the Android debugging bridge, the basic requirements of the Android programming configuration is a computer that meets the minimum system requirements to run the Android SDK and, in most cases, the same Android device. It is used to manage either an emulator instance or an actual Android device. The Android Debug-Bridge is part of the Android SDK and is made up of three components: a client, a daemon, and a server. The Android Debug Bridge (ADB) is a client-server program used in Android application development.