Some duo random dialogs have some missing speaker or wrong NPC spawned.First dialog of the quest about Pumpquinn’s school bag coming back after finishing the quest.Some quests that weren’t trigger are now accessible: The Rumor.Can't rebind the left and down inputs in the options.Enemy projectiles won't destroy and get stuck against colliders.“Morthral Enemy”curse targeting issue during Mr.Spells that track enemies sometimes lose their focus.The Player is able to pass through some doors in the Natural Disasters Department.When the player is far enough from Camille Flage (Thanager) to let her walk for a long time, she may “slide” (the animation is frozen) to the player until being in attack’s range.Using the space bar doesn't fast forward the credits.Jabelin weapon breaks the player's controls when used to leave the training room.Some projectiles from Infuse status don’t appear.Sickles damage buff on dash is only calculated once even on multiple stacks.The timer doesn't stop when the player is choosing a level in the elevator.When the player chooses a contract to Jocelyn then cancels it, the contracts are rerolled.The dive’s animation of crows is played too soon regarding the attack’s behavior.The mini moskitos do not die when hitting the player if he gets damage at the same time, leading to the enemies staying stuck on the player.Some entries in the codex are missing when loading a save from an older version of the game.
In the Control room, when the player transforms the scythe “Sickles' ' to “War Sickles' ',it will use many Prismium if the player has more than one. Death slips after a victory in an arena (overlapping animation problem). There is no SFX on the slam attack of Brad in difficulty mode Crisis XIII. No SFX when the player is healed in the Breakroom by the Easy mode modifier. If the players use the fast-forward during the ending cinematic of Major Pliskhan, two issues appear:During the explosion screen, a white fadeout appears, then the same picture re-appears.The player can control Death during the cinematic. If the player leaves the dialog area without completing it, the sound that is turned down at the beginning of the dialog is not turned up. The "bubble" dialogs allow the player to move around. Rarely, a curse tree can be too long for the menu, because of the possibility to get multiple high rank curses. The spell Wishtorm’sound doesn’t have good timing. A malus curse may appear bugged if the player has already too many of them. The run timer does not take into account the last chunk where the player died (also happens if he wins the run). The Control room transformation cannot be used. An asset of a car in the Natural Disasters Department is clipping when the camera zooms in or zooms out. Every time the player starts the game, the loading time of reaching the first breakroom is much longer than normal. If the player gets a second weapon with the same status than the one equipped, the second weapon will not trigger the status. In some Intriguing floors, teleportation doesn't work if damage taken during corner triggers. With the red curse “No Brakes” activated: if the player gets hit while attacking with a weapon, the hit animation is played and the one for the attack is canceled BUT the player still finishes his movement. In the save selection menu, "Game Time" indicator does not increment. “Dig Your Own Grave” curse doesn’t work properly. Now weapons in training room could be sorted by rarity. Added etter feedbacks when selecting a contract with Jocelyn. The conditions to unlock worker guide entries (description 2 and 3) are now explained. Changed food item lore description in Italic. Changed GPE difficulty workerguide unlocking condition: Talk to Patrice about that in lobby OR open the GPE menu. Changed Patrice/PumpQuinn dialog (shorter) about GPE difficulty in lobby. Changed Patrice/PumpQuinn dialog about Prismium.
Tooltip on curses: when you choose a curse, a tooltip will display the value of your current statistics and the one you will have by taking the curse.Most of the curses have a better and understandable description.Changed some entries in workerguide Tutorial for better understanding.=> The Thing in the Fridge (use the fridge in breakroom to unlock).=> The effects (get a curse to unlock),.