There is a Kaillera client.dll that allows players to directly connect to each other over UDP connection (which ggpo, a fighting game client also uses) and gives excellent controller response but it is not supported by jnes yet. Virtuanes however does not have the 1p control swapping feature and connects to the client via TCP/ip connection which I think is more slower and tacks on more controller delay than UDP connection, zsnes's netplay also uses UDP which works really well. VirtuaNes, a japanese developed nes emulator has netplay and instant online savestate saving and loading (hotkey "S" save states and just press "L" to load instantly and both players see the change immediatley) which I think is an important feature because my internet and my friends internet connection randomly disconnects and causes us to lose progress in our games. I think this works well but it would also be nice to be able to press a single hotkey to swap controls instantly but also would like this option to be in the jnes gui for people who don't know/remember the hotkey. The super nintendo emulator zsnes has this feature by letting you open the gui and the host unchecks the 1p box to allow the 2p to check it and be first player. Sorry for a very long post but I have a feature request for features no nes emulator has all in one, I was wondering if it could be implemented for jnes's netplay to be able to swap 1p controls between the host and client for single player games by taking turns.